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Role Players 2024

Prosenjit Mukherjee

Chief Human Resources Officer
SRKAY Consulting Group

Dynamic CHRO with close to 20 years of proven track record of propelling organiza ons to unprecedented success across diverse industries such as IT, Medical Industry, Market Research and BPO/KPO. A visionary leader, known for strategic foresight and innova ve approaches to drive opera onal excellence, global expansion, and profitability. Providing strategic insights to shape organiza onal direc on. Directly accountable for core HR prac ces, policy making across the company and for the board, ensuring robust financial performance, enabling business opera ons, revenue genera on, and cost opmiza on.

Bringing a proven track record in driving transforma onal ini a ves, with the background including involvement with 2 startups and 2 dis nguished companies (SRKAY Group and Essar Industries). This experience spans the spectrum from fostering innova on and agility to propel startups and mid - large size organiza on to success, to implemen ng strategic ini a ves. The ability to catalyze change, promote innova on, and achieve remarkable results across diverse business landscapes is a forte I bring to every role.

With an established reputa on, having defined and built organiza ons and func ons for Fortune 500 brands. Adept in transforming organiza onal structures, managing risk, and opmizing talent acquisi on, development, and engagement.

An experienced HR leader, adept at managing human capital across complex regulatory and labour environments. A strategic communicator, recognized for driving engagement and performance through effec ve organiza onal ini a ves. A decisive and visionary leader, commi ed to eleva ng organiza ons to new heights of success. As an opera onal excellence, have got the current company listed among the Top 100 high-growth companies recognized by The Economic Times and Financial Times for four consecu ve years. The company has also achieved rankings in Deloi e's Technology Fast 50 in India and Fast 500 in APAC, alongside cer fica ons from CIO and Best Employer brands in Gujarat and across India.

A Public Speaker and an ac ve member of several na onal-level organiza ons, including NHRD, SHRM, Harvard Business Review Group, South Gujarat Chamber of Commerce, GESIA, & NASSCOM Regional HR body.